Courses: 1 - 10 of 10
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Business Etiquette
The unwritten competitive edge is business etiquette. There are a variety of atmospheres, knowing the parameters is vital. In the job interview process first impressions are stresses--never another chance for first impression. Your appearance, dress more formally than less, positive attitude and an ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Communication: Featuring Navistar International
Quality corporate communication is never successfully delivered until it's accurately received and recalled. So communications should be designed and delivered to assure the most accurate reception and receiver recall. Miscommunication can be costly to a business, especially when it results in error... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Employment Communication
This video gives very specific ideas and strategies for finding a job. Understanding one's own skills and needs, learning about companies, and making contacts are part of this effort. Important information on applications, resumes, interviews, and follow-up are presented.Features: Colgate Palmolive
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Global Environmental Communication
As technology is allowing for easier and more global business activity, the necessity of understanding different cultures is greater. Business must be aware of and adapt to these differences in customs and economic practices. Communication and language barriers must be overcome.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Global Strategic Planning
This program defines the International Communication market. Using France Telecom as a prime example, the growth and expansion is explained with the use of graphs. The Global Strategic Planning Process is detailed in 7 steps, also described are the challenges and how they were met.
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Making and Communicating Meaning
This video highlights the three aspects of communication necessary in making a television commercial: Communicating MeaningMaking MeaningWorking and Writing in GroupsMaking Oral Presentations Features Wilson Sporting Goods
DVD style course with completion certificate only
The next step in the employee's effort to promote her idea of creating a web page for the company is a presentation in front of a committee. All the things that should be given careful attention are demonstrated, to maximize the effectiveness of the presentation.Part 3 of a 3 part series. Recommende... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Written Communication: Letters and Memos
Effective written communication is essential in being successful in business. In an effort to promote the idea of creating a web page for the company, an employee demonstrates how certain kinds of letters can help lay the groundwork for presenting the new idea. Formats for writing to seek informatio... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Written Communication: Reports
As a sequel to the video, Written Communication: Letters and Memos (MCL-801), this takes the viewer through the steps of writing an effective proposal. A clear description of the best way to approach this task is presented. Part 2 of a 3 part series. Recommended viewing:MCL-801 Written Communication... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Your Words Matter
Social Media. Text Messages. Emails. It's never been easier to communicate. And it's never been more potentially hazardous. Now there is a video that can help every employee understand and navigate these hazards. "Your Words Matter" will help increase awareness of the importance of written communica... read more
New Release
Video course with post-test